My Coop

This is a cute little coop, but I don't know how sturdy these prefab coops are. How is it holding up now? And did you have to add any ventilation to it?
This is a nice little coop and run. The manufacturer claims it can hold more, but you are wise to keep it at two. The stones around the base are a good idea, as is placing it under the partial protection of the stairs. These little coops are great starter set-ups, but do need regular maintenance to keep them sturdy and functional. I HIGHLY recommend a wood treatment each Spring to prolong it's life and a sturdy latch on the lift-up nesting box roof to preserve your chickens'!
Very cute little coop! Anyone who may be interested in getting one for their chickens might want to know the band name and rough price so they can consider if they'd like one also. Addressing the sizing and the amount of birds that could comfortably fit would be helpful too.
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