Our little miracle flock~~~

I've had chickens for a long time now, well not that long. But you know at first when I got them, I thought chickens were just stupid birds, like everyone who doesn't have them. Turns out I was very wrong, you know I find chickens so fascinating! The more I learn about them, the more I love them!
I have 12 hens, 1 Rooster, and 4 pullets. We let them free roam everyday for about 2 hours so they can get bugs and act like normal, healthy, happy chickens.



Now we have a lot of special chickens in our flock, especially my little ButterCup.
We call her our miracle chicken. She truly is a miracle! She survived being prolapsed, which is when a hen pushes to hard trying to lay an egg and all of her guts come out of her. We learned about it being amateurs in the chicken world, and they said that they have a 90% chance of dying, and the ones that do survive it will never lay eggs again.
Well not only did our Buttercup survive she now lays eggs for us!!! :celebrate
But she didn't just survive that! Shortly after she ate a poisonous mushroom on our property, and got really sick. We thought for sure that she was a goner, but nope! 3 days later she was back doing great and still laying eggs for us! :eek:
But get this! Just recently we brought two newbies into our flock and they brought a sickness with them, we caught it in time for them and treated them, but they gave it to four others in our flock (including buttercup) We were watching them all, and buttercup was looking really bad, but the next day she was back to normal.
We are all shocked with our little miracle chicken. And she's still laying eggs for us! Every... Single... Day!
She has become broody twice, but we never have let her hatch babys, the next time she decides to become broody, shes definitely going to get her baby's!
Below is buttercup, our miracle Buff Orpington! :lol:



We've also had other special ones in our flock, like a little English bantam we called Cookie, and Lulu, which was a bantam lavender Buff Orpington. I still cannot believe I found her!
Sadly though cookie was out free roaming, and it never occurred to me before that we have hawks where we live, and it was soon too late.
We do have others though, at are special in there own way.
KokoMoe our rooster, is our very first rooster. (And yes I like to spell names differently)



We have our newbies that I just got about 4-5 weeks ago. They are a lavender Cochin and a blue Cochin.
We call them Lila & Lulu, after our lavender Buff Orpington.
When we brought them into our flock they brought a sickness back from the feed store with them. Now I believe you should try to save them instead of just letting them die. So we took them to the vet got some medicine for them and now they are doing great! But they did give the sickness to a few of our other birds including our rooster, but we got them all treated and now they our all healthy as can be!
We did hatch some others that all turned out to be cockerels, accept for one, and we named her Hope. We gave two cockerels to the feed store, got Lila and lulu, and kept one cockerel along with his sister Hope.
Below our some pictures of them.

Lila, Lulu, Hope, Avril~




We also have six of them that came from this place, backyard chickens. We mail ordered them and got them as day old chicks. One of them is kokomoe our rooster, who was "supposed" to be a girl. :barnie
But it's ok. Without him we wouldn't have been able to have such a great experience of incubating our own baby's! It actually works out great because we don't have to order them or get them from our local feed store. Plus we don't have to worry about them contracting a disease into our flock now.
The six names of them all are, Kokomoe, Onna, Aruba, Ginger, Pipsi (short for pipsqueak) and Lola.

(Names not in order)






And I almost forgot Red. Red was our Rhode Island Red, about a year and half ago she fell into our pool, and I saved her. Ever since then she's been delusional, and she views us as "everything" to her. Every time I let our chickens out to roam, the first thing she would do was come up to me and rub into my legs and she would not go anywhere until I picked her up and gave her attention. She would also stare up at me with this silly look wanting to be held.
Sadly though, due to her delusional ness she fell behind our chick brooder and dyed during the night. We will miss you Red.


So in my special little miracle flock, we have had some great times, sad times, and funny times. For instance when I have to put them up I give them bread to make them go in there run.




They are priceless ;)
They are funny :lol:
They are one of a kind :)









They're.... My special little flock~~~

Thank you for reading, comments would be much appreciated.~~~