When you research what your spirit animal is, most people’s imaginations take them to large, fierce, majestic animals such as a lion, tiger, or elephant or magnificent flying creatures such as eagles or falcons.
Your spirit animal tends to find you. Usually through the strangest of circumstances. As a child I was given a pheasant to raise. We also had two, free roaming half moon parrots. And for 20 years I have had a caged cockatiel named Food. (He came with the name)
Both hummingbirds and Crows have always come to me for chats… and when I’m in despair I turn to nature and ask for assistance. It’s always the birds that gather to comfort me.
It wasn’t until a Telus commercial did I see or even know what a Silkie chicken was. The second the commercial ended, I was in my phone looking up exactly what that breed was. I spent many months researching everything I could find out about not just the breed; but chickens altogether. I’m a city girl and the closest I ever came to a chicken before came seasoned in a bucket. But I was captivated by these strange fluffy characters.
If all the animals that get a crap life; a chicken is one of them. If there was a chance to give even one a good spoiled life I wanted to do it. Enter Pyewacket.
This article is not about feeding, or care, disease or McNuggets… it’s about love!
It’s that spiritual connection you have with your pet. Mine just happens to be a fluffy white, showgirl Silkie chicken.
This kind of companionship is unique. Some people have this concept that chickens are lacking intelligence. This is so far from the truth.
Chickens display almost human characteristics. The display manipulation, appreciation, empathy just to name a few. See more:
As humans we need companionship. A furred friend is the usual choice. But just because it’s the usual choice does not mean it’s the choice for you. Certain animals are specifically for each and everyone of us. They bring a sense of fulfillment to our lives. These are spirit animals. Some are meant to be free; while others are made for domestic life. They appear in our lives at a time we really need them. We don’t know at the time we need them. But in time we realize how much they mean to us and how significant their presence is.
Sometimes we see it as the matching it was meant to be while others find excuses why they cannot commit to a pet; not realizing what they are passing by.
Like people are to find their soulmates in each other, we are also meant to find our spirit animals. They will help us through life in ways you cannot predict. Just like you cannot predict what is your spirit animal is until you find each other. Who would have thought thought mine was a mother clucken chicken!

For more on spirit animal :chicken see:


For information on finding your spirit animal see: