Chicken Breed Info:
Breed Purpose:
Comb: Single
Broodiness: Frequent
Climate Tolerance: All Climates

General Egg Info:
Egg Productivity:
Egg Size: Small
Egg Color: Light Brown
or white

Breed Temperament:
Friendly,Easily handled,Calm,Bears confinement well,Docile

Breed Colors / Varieties:
Wheaten, Spangled, Red Pyle, Barred, BB Red, Crele, Black, Self Blue, Blue Breasted Red, Silver Duckwing, Mille Fleur, Blue, Fawn, Brassy Back, Mottled, White, Splash, Quail and Blue Red Blue Wheaten Brown Red
Breed Details:
Old English are a very hardy breed. They handle cold and heat exceptionally well. They are excellent foragers and will easily adapt to a wild life (so be sure to keep an eye on your flock if you let them range!). It can be difficult to house multiple males together, but if they were raised together as chicks there shouldn't be a problem. Never approach a male from the front. Cocks see this as a challenge and may attack. Grasp your male by the shoulders first then pick him up. Females are very sweet and timid. They love to be handled and babied, and are known to be superb broodies. If you are new to Old English and plan on showing them, please keep in mind that competition is usually very stiff and don’t be discouraged if you don’t do well! ETA: info referenced from APA and ABA Standards and personal experience. Info provided by MoodyChicken Pictures Provided by Shay20




