Yay!! I can't believe we actually did it! I've never built a thing in my life but after looking at all your coops and how you built them I convinced myself I could do it...so I did! My husband was...astounded and taught me how to use all the power tools. He's great with cars and electricity, but...not too clever with building boxes so, he was skeptical but willing to teach how to use the tools. So...we used all cull wood, which means that nothing is exactly plumb and square but, hey, it's a chicken coop!! The "girls" don't seem to care :) The biggest expense was the kennel that we used for the run (I knew there were limits to my skills :)), the crazy expensive plywood and of course the hardware cloth. So, the "girls" are in, they are our first and we are pretty pleased. 5 EE, I hope they are all girls!! 6 weeks today and they seem to be pretty happy with their home!
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