Poppy Seed Cheesecake

I never knew that you could buy poppyseed filling. Is it found in the baking section?

You mentioned turning down the temperature and propping the door open, but it's not in your instructions. Should that be done, what temp & for how long?
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Sapphire Sebright
Sapphire Sebright
Solo poppy seed filling can sometimes be found in stores, and I think that it would be in with the other fillings (cherry, pumpkin, etc.), but it can also be ordered off of Amazon.
I believe that most cheesecake recipes direct the baker to bake the cake at a higher temperature for a short amount of time before turning the temperature down to bake it slowly (or vice-versa, I can't remember) the rest of the way. Propping open the oven door after baking slows down the cooling process and makes the cake less likely to crack on top. Cracking doesn't affect the flavor, of course -- it just makes it look less "professional."
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