Possible help for Waterbelly/Ascites

Very good article that was informational. I learned a lot and if possible, I would like to try this out on one of my own birds some day, should they get water belly.

I would like to see more information on the lung tincture. The article included all the ingredients, but didn't say how much of each ingredient was needed to make it. It also did not include how the tincture was made into liquid. (If it was essential oils, that would be helpful to know.)
Mason Farm and Ranch
Mason Farm and Ranch
I made the tincture with a teaspoon of everything but Tumeric. I used 2. Covered it with Everclear and added 2 teaspoons of water mixed and microwaved until it boiled. Allowed it to cool and placed in the freezer for 3 hours (it's called cold processing). It partially froze. I thawed it, and drained it into a dropper bottle. There was a residue settlement.

Dosage was shaking to suspend the settled particles and administering one half dropper twice daily.
I look forward to seeing future updates. Super interesting.
I'm glad for your success. I'd love to see more updates.
Mason Farm and Ranch
Mason Farm and Ranch
With the number of posts I see about it, I seriously into following through.
Please don't prolong her suffering.
Mason Farm and Ranch
Mason Farm and Ranch
It appears to be working. She isn't suffering, she has returned to foraging with the flock daily.

You should have read the entire article and updates.
Thank you for sharing your experience! I have never heard of any other method for treating water belly, aside from draining the fluid. This article helps me feel much more confident about potential treatment if I ever come across this issue. The treatment method was clear and easy to understand.

I'm glad your chicken is improving now! I would definitely be interested to see updates on her progress in the future. Thank you again for sharing!
Mason Farm and Ranch
Mason Farm and Ranch
Yesterday she went outside on her own. I'm super stoked.
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