
Hi there ! Here is our quail coop. More plants needs to be added. Since this isn't my first language, i'll only explain briefly how we built it, but include a lot of photos.

We build a quail coop on the top of pre-existing underground wooden structure. You can see underneath the door that the wood is older.

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This was the initial sketch idea.
However, I did not think of the roof's angle which we later corrected as we were building the coop, so now the back is higher and the rain can flow on it.

The wooden pillars are 7cm thick except for the ones on the top.
It is 1.80m high and probably around 1.90 or so in the back. But it only shows later on, towards the end, when we added some wood on the top of the roof's base structure to elevate it.

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And then we added this wire fencing all around. 13mm holes or less is recommended to avoid mouses, rats or snakes.
And for the roof, we used a steel roof to assemble.
This thin metal wire is not enough if you live in an area with a lot of predators. I live in the center city with a fully gated garden so we do not have this issue.


Inside of the coop, there is a 13cm high squarish nesting boxes. They like to run on the top of it like a bridge.

They have a sand bath made like a pond, some big rock and branches, and for the plants we have a korean fern, pandula carex ( be careful it is invasive) and Vinca major 'Alba' which they don't eat. They ate a squash plant that grew in there. Other plants are fake.


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