So this feeder is pretty self-explanatory, so here goes.
Materials: One cylindrical plastic water bottle, One 2x4 longer than the water bottle, scissors, and 3 screws and a electric screw driver, and tape.
Who is this for: People who are looking for a cheap and easy replacement for a feeder that wastes a lot of food. (Been there)
Steps: First, take the scissors and cut an appropriately sized whole. Mine was about 3x5 inches. Second, patch up the sharp edges produced by the cutting with tape so the chickens wont get cut by the jagged plastic. Third, screw the bottle onto the 2x4 with the whole facing up (Obviously). Fill up with feed and enjoy the cheapest and waste free feeder that was made in less than 10 minutes. Optimal for 2-3 chickens at a time. Feel free to comment with suggestions and improvements, as i believe there are no questions with such a simple feeder.