Shabby Chic-Hens

First Character:

Name: Dove
Age: 4
Tribe: SkyWing/Nightwing, but is with the SkyWing tribe.
Preferred Winglet: Silver
Appearance: black like a regular Nightwing, but on her back (under wings) and the inside of her wings have streaks of red, gold, and orange.
Personality: bright, bubbly, pretty much just like me.
Backstory (optional): was always interested in the different tribes, so read (obviously SkyWing propaganda) books about them. After Queen Ruby (think that’s the name) became queen, Dove became great friends with Peril, who told her about the school.
Extras: please give Dove lots of roommates! I want to get to know my dragon friends!


Name: Kiwi
Age: 4
Tribe: rainwing
Preferred Winglet: silver
Appearance: Raingwingy. Many colors. Prefers blues and greens though.
Personality: bright, bubbly, makes a lot of jokes.
Backstory (optional):
Extras: makes a lot of jokes, loves to camouflage herself.

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