Sly Fox

Ever lost a chicken or any other poultry to a fox? It is not a nice feeling if it happens to you.
Here are some steps you can take to protect your flock:
  1. Electric fencing- let me tell you I had this for 3 years and did not loose a chicken until a tree branch fell and smashed it
  2. Guardian animals- my dogs don’t care for the taste of chickens but they do like to chase off the foxes
  3. Keep them in a safe run-this will include double wire your chickens coop I had a fox chew through my wire and kill three hens
  4. A over 6 foot fence, foxes can just scramble over a 6 foot fence, this is useful if you want to keep your chickens free range.
This is my guide to protect and reflect on your chickens safely.
This is all I found left when my chickens were attacked
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About author
I am a horse lover who rides dressage (I don’t know too much about chickens but I know a fair bit and I’m learning more everyday on BYC)

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I'm so sorry! You're right about the higher fences, but the little buggers can climb an eight-footer, just like a raccoon. Keeping them locked up at night (the chickens, not the foxes... I wish!) is still your best bet - along with making sure nothing can dig under.
It's really hard to lose birds, especially in such a violent manner. Hopefully, this article will help some people fox-proof (or at least fox-deter) their coops - and keep more birds from becoming a free dinner.


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