So,new to Quails?
Well probabably like chickens these creatures tend up the same love and company from you…
Quails after hatching?
A chick after hatch shouldn’t be taken out of the incubator before it dries.This usually takes time by 24 hours though I wouldn’t recommend to not take them out by 12 hours minimum.The chicks usually absorb Their yolk which suffices them without food for a long time.Unfortunately,some weak chicks fail to zip open and get left behind. Without help, they just don’t make it.

Setting up a brooder for 1 Day olds?
1 day old chicks are extremely sensitive and won’t thrive if not adjust to the proper temperature.A medium sized cardboard or cock sheet box can suffice.
place a 60 or 40 watt bulb in a corner, the temperature should be between 95 to 90 degrees F and reduced by 5 degress each week. Grip is extremely important as slippery beddings for young quails can cause splay legs.
Paper towels or cloth works perfectly as the chicks tend to peck at the pine shavings.
Startergrower pellets are important for newly hatched chicks as the large pellets don’t fit inside their teeny tiny beaks.
And last of all…can a visit to a vet once a week hurt?:)

Oops! my Quail got wet in the water bowl?

Marbles.marbles placed on the water bowl is the best as they prevent the young chicks from drowning.
Wet chicks can pass from shiver or neomonia.the warm from a towel wipe or hair dryer’s gonna cool them off…don’t worry

Chirping all day long…

Nothing worse than listening to loud cheeps 24 hours…
Well u know not all the time chicks cheep for no reason at all or cos they’re young and noisy. Sometimes

They can cheep due to non adjustable temperature or because they’re cold.So u should look out to that;)

Oh No! My quails have stopped eating?
eating problem.
Quails sometimes don’t tend to eat because of the oversized feed pellets or dehydration.When too much food is stored down the trachea without enough water to lead the way. The chicks eventually stop eating as they’re mouths are jammed due to lack of water.They’re a number of other diseases including drowsiness that tend to make weak chicks eat less.

DON’T forget! They can’t live without ur company!