Sour Crop, Impacted Crop, Doughy Crop - Prevention and Treatments of Crop disorders

Thank you for writing this article. You saved my young hen. I thought she had heat stroke but after putting her in a pen in the air conditioning she did not improve. Listless, not eating. I started her on stool softener and chilled coconut oil and crop massages. Then added yeast cream the second day and more massages. Kept her treatment up for a week and she recovered. She was eating, drinking and pooping normally and was bored so went back with the rest of the hens. That was a couple of months ago and she's still 100%.
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I am so glad she survived, you did fabulous! Give her a hug for me!! 🥰
Super thorough and detailed! Thank you for taking the time to write this.
A must-read for anyone with crop issues!
Fantastic article! Very informative, with basic and clear instructions.
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Incredibly informative!
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lots of good information that will help people
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Very informative article!! I am a house and pet sitter and chickens seem to be the popular pet that people have for me to care for. This is an article that I will keep a copy of!!
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Very useful and informative article written with compassion
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Very excellent information!
I will keep this somewhere I can easily refer to. I've lost 2 hens to crop issues. It's a very lonely place when you feel helpless. Thank you for all the information.
Thank you for this article. I’m helping one of my ladies with crop issues right now, and it’s been extremely helpful. Much appreciated!
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Lots of great information that even us beginners can understand. Thank You
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Very informative!
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So informative and easy to understand! THANK YOU!
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Thank you for providing such an informative and concise article .
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Have a girl whose crop just soured and came to find this article again. Thank you!
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Excellent article! I will be checking my hens every day now! I have a 9 year old hen that I really want to watch out for and this info is very helpful.
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Well written article loaded with good information.
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I do not have any chickens at this time but someday they will be apart of my life. I am interested in learning as much as possible before becoming a chicken parent. This article was very thorough.
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Great Information.
Printed and saved so that I can reference it until it's practically memorized.

Thanks for putting this all in one article.
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