Chicken Breed Info:
Breed Purpose:
Comb: Pea
Broodiness: Average
Climate Tolerance: All Climates

General Egg Info:
Egg Productivity:
Egg Size: Medium
Egg Color: White

Breed Temperament:
Aggressive,Wild / restless,Flighty

Breed Colors / Varieties:
Black and Blue are the standard colors but other colors are available.
Breed Details:

If you are interested in getting into long tail chickens I think the Sumatra is a good choice because they are relatively easy keepers. Sumatras are beautiful chickens with their flowing tails. They have a call that can be almost jungle like. They have a cantankerous personality. The more space you can give your Sumatra the happier he will be. They do not like close confinement. They prefer to roost as high as they can get.
Four week old chicks will fly 6 feet high. If you do not want to be out in the dark with flashlight and ladder getting your chickens out of a tree please do not free range your Sumatras until they have learned that home is the coop. In my experience hens do not go broody until second year but then were frequent broodies. Both hen and rooster are doting parents and fierce in protecting their young. Following is some information from the American Poultry Association Standard of Perfection:
Standard Weights:
  • Cock 5 pounds
  • Cockerel 4 pounds
  • Hen 4 pounds
  • Pullet 3 ½ pounds
According to the standard colors for both males and females:
  • Comb, face, wattles and earlobes: Gypsy color
  • Beak: Black
  • Eyes: Dark Brown
  • Shanks and Toes: Black to dark willow, black preferred. Bottom of feet: yellow
  • Plumage: Very lustrous, greenish black throughout
  • Undercolor of all sections: Dull black
  • White earlobes
  • Some white in feathers (for specifics see APA standard of Perfection)
  • No spurs of any kind on males




