The Art of Raising Chickens: Creating a Cozy and Functional Coop

Very basic information. Needs more of a personal touch. Paragraphs are short and seem disjointed. Needs more photos as well. A good place to start.
Looks like a good start! As was suggested, further fleshing out each section and adding links will take it to the next level.
This article needs more content. Developing these subjects and adding photos will make it stand out.
Good start. This article could be improved by adding pictures of each topic and links to other BYC articles and threads. For example in your predator paragraph, add a link to the Topic of the Week - Keeping the Flock Safe from Predators thread.

Did you use AI to write this? If so, you should give credit to the AI.
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I wrote the base article, then had ai tune it up. Same with all of my posts. I will definitely use your suggestions.
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