The Beginner's Guide to Incubation

Nice Guide to incubation!
This is a awesome article , I will definitely use it as a reference in the future! Thank You.
Really informative thank you so much
Very thorough and informative article.
Thank you for presenting this article, Pyxis.
Very good job!
I might have to incubate some eggs after some were taken by a fox and now I can make sure that i am doing every thing right.
Outstanding. I hope you don’t mind, but I printed your article.
I think you are the first who has discussed Humidity in such detail. I lost many Peachicks because my Humidity was too high after ready a post that recommended a specific percent.
Thank you
What a thorough and thoughtful guide! The pictures added provided good references for us visual learners to be able to follow along easily. The information given was comprehensive but not overwhelming. As a relative newbie to raising chickens and ducks (my oldest are just under a year old), I have recently gotten to the point where I have thought about incubating eggs. I am looking forward to my future incubating/hatching endeavors and this Guide will be referenced often. It definitely gives me a boost of confidence that I am sure that I have all the tools that I need to know for success. I am grateful, Thank you!
With my first time at incubation coming next week it is nice to have your easy read, quick to the point article to review. Just what I was looking for!!!:highfive:
Very well written and very thorough guide to incubating eggs!! The pictures you included are spot on!
Thank you for sharing your article!!
You have in many cases become my go to person for hatching info... After all how many peeps hatch emus.
A very well written article on incubating. It has everything you need to know to start or improve your incubation. Best bit of advice is don't buy a cheap incubator they can be unreliable at best and have inconsistent readings. This leafs to constant monitoring and poor hatches. Great article.
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