A very brief intro to just a few breeds, but a nice overview.
got 7 because of my mistake i counted wrong and missed a chicken 2 times
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Breezy, friendly tone is appealing but the information is superficial.

I suggest going into more depth about suitability for different climates and management systems. More photos would also be helpful.

In re: "Most common breeds of laying hens would be Leghorns and Isa Browns." A quick survey of 4, large, US hatcheries didn't turn up a single ISA Brown. Perhaps substituting "red sex link" would make the article more applicable to a wider geographical range?
Great article… I would add breeds for fun egg colors in addition to Ameraucanas. Like Marans for dark brown - terra cotta color eggs, Easter Eggers for surprise colors, Silverdudds for mint green etc
Article was well written with nice pictures. Listing more breeds to choose from would be helpful.
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