The Tall Coop

Out of all my coops, this one is my favorite. Made in 2015. It is my largest and it can very comfortably hold 8 large-fowl chickens.
It is made from a free wooden box we found at a desirable trash station.

Close up of the human door. Note: only the two middle latches work. The outer two are broken and I haven't bothered to remove them yet.

View of the coop from just inside the human door.

The chicken door is a hole that can be shut by pulling out the stick that holds it up. The stick goes through a hole in the coop at just the right height. The two boards on the side keep the door from falling forward.

Outside of the Tall Coop chicken door. You can see the stick at the base of the door.

These nesting boxes are large and roomy. They are suspended just above the roost, which lets the chickens use both roosts as stairs up to the boxes!

Close up of one of the nesting boxes.

On the bottom of the nesting boxes I hung a hook. On this hook we can put a water bucket with nipples at the bottom, and we can put a feeder on the cinder blocks below.

Hook and cinderblocks.

Behind the nesting boxes is an egg door. But this "egg" door is more for easy cleaning than collecting eggs. Because there is no lip, whenever you open it to collect eggs, lots of the nesting materiel falls out. But it works really well for cleaning, and I wouldn't have it any other way!

IMG_20200625_205021628.jpg IMG_20200625_205211402.jpg
Egg door, opened and closed.

The roof is a grooved and slanted sheet of metal nailed to the top.

Tall Coop roofing.

The windows have a single layer of chicken wire on them. They have a hinged cover so I can open and close them whenever I want. (I use the same method in the Broody Coop.)

Tall Coop window.

  • Spacious and roomy. I said eight large-fowl birds, comfortably. They can also sleep on top of the nesting boxes if they would like. And it can fit what feels like hundreds of bantams!
  • Pretty good ventilation. And because the windows are pretty high up, almost no draft reaches the roosts.
  • Big enough for me (the human, in case you forgot ;)) to fit pretty easily.
  • Great feed and water system.
  • Optional nesting box for silkies and broodies can be made in the floor in the far corner by leaning two boards in a triangle around the roost. They will nest there anyways, but the boards give them more privacy.
  • Good set-up for chicks. I had a broody silkie raise four chicks on the floor in August 2020.

  • Chickens sometimes sleep on top of the nesting boxes. This is because they are higher than the roosts.

I don't want to bore you with measurements but if you want them you can find them by clicking the 'Spoiler'.

Height: 6 feet.
Width: 44" by 52"
Coop height off ground: 3.5"
Human door height and width: 57" by 18"
Chicken door height and width: 10.5" by 9"
Windows width (the two windows have different widths): 31.25" and 29.5"
Windows height: 12"
Roosts: 1.5" by 1.5"
Roost heights: 1 foot and 2.5 feet.
Nesting box height: 13.5"
Nesting box width: 20.5"
Nesting box depth: 14"
Nest box height above floor: 31.75"
Egg door: 5.5" by 28"

I hope this article will inspire and help you build your own coop! Good luck!

P.S. If you want to see more of my builds, check out this link: SoftSilkie's Farmyard

About author
The Creative Homesteaders raise and love on chickens, rabbits, cats, and a dog! We love nature and are always- becoming more self sufficient. We breed and conserve endangered heritage breeds!

About myself personally... I've been raising chickens for 10 years and have participated in 4-H since 2017. I love using my chicken knowledge to help other people!

If you have any questions or feedback about my article, please comment below or send me a PM. Don't forget to rate and review!

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Nice informative writeup, but the link to the measurements did not seem to work. It's all about the numbers!
Nice coop 😊
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The article would be better with more build details.
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