Thinking about getting started with ducks?

This would be a good read for those who have raised chicks before and are thinking about ducklings, and want to know some of the differences in brooding them.
thanks for writing. we just got started with ducks this year. we've learned a lot, but there's obviously much more to learn still.
The author shares her personal experience getting started with ducks, which gives the reader a realistic idea of the mess and work involved raising ducklings. A great read for anyone considering ducks, before diving in webbed feet first!
Good information especially about how fast ducklings grow and how messy they are. As with your experience, 16 ducks were too many for me. Lots of good tips about beginning to raise ducks. Thank you for your information!
Some editing to help with flow of text would help make the article better-- like paragraph separations and etc.
Good information for duckling newbies, i like the idea of the raised bedding area. More and high-resolution photos would improve this article very much.
A good start and nice comparison against chicks. I feel the article could be improved by setting it out more in paragraphs. More pics would also be great.
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