On this day, April 30th 2018, I lost a very good little friend. Her name was Nutmeg who I liked to call Meggy or Meg. Nutmeg was a Buff Orpington hen who loved to perch on my lap, she was always there when I needed a friend, in a form of a chicken, which to some may sound utterly crazy, but to me (and I'm sure to other chicken pet-lovers out there) she was one of my true best friends..... I am literally crying as I type this...... Nutmeg has been the best hen I could ask for, she was always sassy but sweet. She loved her treats and was a great layer. Nutmeg enjoyed a good (perhaps spoiled) life. <3

As I conclude... Nutmeg is now gone, but she WILL NOT be forgotten!!! She will always be in my heart and I shall never forget what a good friend she was.

Nutmeg I love you.

P.S For those of you who haven't noticed, my username is named after Nutmeg. Every time you see it imagine a beautiful golden hen who adored grubs and worms and forever will have a special place in her owner's heart.

<3 <3 <3
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Please continue to call me Meg, that shall be my forever name here on BYC.