Why Join Back Yard Chickens? The Benefits Of Being A BYC Member

My experience with becoming a BYC member exceeded my initial expectations. Not only has it helped me raise chickens better (and save a life or two along the way) but I have met some of the very nicest people to be found anywhere. BYC is a community in the fullest sense of the word, as defined here: "a feeling of fellowship with others, as a result of sharing common attitudes, interests, and goals".
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I joined BYC about 2 weeks after I got my first chicks. It is one of the best chicken info sites and has members who are known "go to" people for specific problems in the coop and run. This site is invaluable. It's nice to have people who understand why we are so worried about our hens and roos!

I've had support dealing with a prolapsed vent in a Bielefelder hen. Contrary to expectations she lived for another 2 years before I was forced to sell that flock. I've also had help with treating lice, ventilation for the coop, dropping boards, roosts, nest boxes, fencing - electric, hardware cloth, predators, treating worms, sour crop, impacted crop, bedding, and illness... like I said, if you have a question this is the place to ask it!

It's free, you have nothing to lose, and everything to gain!
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