~Wings of Fire: The RP~ (Archives)

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There are two known continents:
Pyrrhia and Pantala.

Let’s meet the Tribes!

Pyrrhian Tribes:


Color: Red, orange, golden yellow, usually fiery colors.
Abilities: SkyWings can breath a strong fire and are very strong fighters and fliers. They’re the fastest flying dragons on both continents.
Habitat: The mountains, and large open areas where they can fly.
Info: SkyWings are the most notoriously grumpy dragons, and have quick tempers on a short fuse. They can be vicious in battle, and with their tongues.
History: SkyWings never put up with imperfections in their Tribe, so hybrids, mutations, rare ‘firescaled’ dragonets, and even animuses were usually put to death before they hatched. They killed off all of their animuses, and were also sided with Burn during the War of SandWing Succession.


Pale yellow, white, light brown, usually sandy colors.
Abilities: SandWings can breathe fire, and have black eyes and tongues. They can see in bright lights, and withstand very hot temperatures. SandWings also have barbed tails like scorpions, with which they can inject a deadly venom only the juice of a brightsting cactus can cure.
Habitat: The desert, and in dry, sandy areas or warmer places. They despise getting wet or cold.
Info: SandWings are usually rough around the edges, most growing up in the dangerous and criminal-ridden Scorpion Den, or serving under the queen as a soldier. The desert is ruthless, and most SandWings grow up being so. They’re careful with their barbed tails, but are not hesitant to whip out a hidden blade to use.
History: After the SandWing queen Oasis died, it triggered a war between her daughters, Blister, Blaze, and Burn in the infamous War of SandWing Succession. After the Dragonets of Destiny brought them together, Burn was killed by a Dragonbite Viper, and Blister by the once-missing Eye of Onyx. Thorn succeeded as queen after the war. SandWings animuses are usually left alone or unknown.


Almost any dark, brownish color. Amber, burnt orange, dark green, brown. Usually muddy colors.
Abilities: MudWings can breath fire when they’re warm, but not if they’re cold. They can hold their breath for up to an hour, and are able swimmers. Their brawn is usually enough to win a fight.
Habitat: Muddy swamps and lowlands.
Info: MudWings don’t fly very often, and usually have very large appetites. MudWings have a mating season every few months and then lay their eggs. The mother then encases the eggs in a hollow mound of hardened mud. The oldest dragonet is known as the Bigwings, and helps his/her siblings hatch. Each sibling group fights, eats, and lives together. Anyone outside of the sibling group is a stranger, even the mother and father.
History: MudWings are a very peaceable Tribe, and tend not to get caught up in a battle or large events if possible. They have no known animuses, and were sided with Burn during the War of SandWing Succession.


Almost any shade of blue or green. Turquoise, sandy green, sometimes on the grey or pinkish side. Usually marine colors.
Abilities: SeaWings can breath on land, and underwater with their gills. They have curved claws, and however much slow they are on land, they make up for in lethality underwater. SeaWings can see in the dark, and swim easily, their tails able to make small waves. They have certain scales on their bodies that they can light up or flash.
Habitat: Underwater, or on land near the beach. Rivers and lakes are less preferable, but livable.
Info: SeaWings are a relatively peaceful Tribe, but have a reputation for dangerous animus dragons. The scales on their bodies that light up are used for an underwater language called Aquatic, and must be learned just like Dragon. SeaWing royals usually have a swirling talon-shaped pattern on the underside of their wings, visible when lit up. They also have an above-water palace called the Summer Palace, and an underwater one called the Deep Palace.
History: SeaWings with animus blood typically go through a test at age seven to see if they have powers. If the test proves positive, the animus dragon will work for the queen as her animus. An animus named Albatross enchanted the Summer Palace to grow itself, but soon after went mad and killed the queen. He was soon stopped by his grandson, Fathom. They were sided with Blister during the War of SandWing Succession.


Silvery white, light blue, or sometimes faint purplish. Usually frosty colors.
Abilities: IceWings can breath a deadly frostbreath that can induce extreme frostbite on most any animate object. They have whip-thin spikes on their tails, and serrated, razor-sharp claws.
Habitat: Snowy, cold tundra and icy deserts.
Info: IceWings can swim, usually enjoy taking an icy dip every now and then to keep their scales shiny. The IceWings used to reside by a ranking system, which was later destroyed by Queen Snowfall. Still, they hold dragons in higher power accountable and more often than not, have cold, calculating personalities. The animus dragons are held accountable for the spells they make.
History: IceWings by far gold the most self-control over their animuses. Most are of royal lineage, and are only allowed to create one spell profitable to the whole Tribe before retiring their powers forever. They used to despise NightWings for ‘stealing’ their animus prince, Arctic even though he left willingly. They were sided with Blaze during the War of SandWing Succession.


Color: Black or very, very dark grey with scattered silver scales under their wings. Typically they can have a hint of a different color in their scales, like blue, purple, or green. Usually dark colors.
Abilities: NightWings can breath fire, and have a very acute sense of smell. They can see decently well in the dark, and blend in with shadows.
Habitat: Caves or open woods. Either high or low, but darker places.
Info: NightWings are nocturnal, and get powers from the moons, in which the dragonet’s egg will glow silver upon hatching. At one full moon, a dragonet has either mind-reading or prophecy powers. At two full moons, the dragonet will have both powers. At three full moons, known as the Brightest Night, the dragonet will have both powers, but highly acute. Contrary to belief, the dragonet doesn’t get animus powers, as they are achieved through blood. Mind-reading dragons will have silver teardrop-shaped scales behind their eyes.
History: NightWings aren’t known for having any animuses except one, a hybrid named Darkstalker, who almost took over all of Pyrrhia before being turned into a Night/RainWing with no memory of his former life and a love for strawberries. The NightWings used to despise the IceWings for stealing their dragon, Foeslayer and magically imprisoning her to endure never-ending, multiple deaths. The NightWings used to live on a volcano, where they grew weak and lost their powers after hatching all of their eggs underground. They recently have moved back to the ancient Kingdom of Night. They were unofficially sided with Blister during the War of SandWing Succession.


Any color, though usually two colors dominate. Red- angry. Orange- upset, annoyed, or curious. Yellow- happy. Green- pale when scared, dark when jealous or indifferent. Blue- light when chill or mildly upset, dark when sad. Purple- with gold, a ‘royal’ color, satisfied, loving. Pink- overjoyed, embarrassed, blushing. White- terrified, in pain. Brown- bored, grumpy. Grey- cold, dull, given up on life. Black- furious.
Abilities: RainWings can shoot a black venom from their fangs, and their aim and distance refine with age and practice. They’re very maneuverable, and can weave easily through dense jungles. With their prehensile tails, they can hang from branches and limbs.
Habitat: Dense, warm jungles and steamy heat.
Info: RainWings we’re mostly unassociated with, and their venom was unknown until recently because of their unwillingness to use it. The only way to cure RainWing venom is to counteract it with a relative’s venom. They are seen by the other Tribes as ‘lazy’ and ‘stupid’ because of their afternoon ‘sun time’. However, the sun makes RainWings healthy and happy, and improves their scale camouflage. If provoked, they use harmless blow-darts to defend themselves. They’re vegetarians, and refuse to eat meat.
History: After Glory took the ‘throne’ as queen, the RainWing Tribe improved gradually in their way of life. There is a NightWing village kept near the RainWings to keep an eye on them after the NightWing’s attempt to invade and wipe them out. However, most have moved to the ancient Kingdom of Night. They weren’t allied with anyone during the War of SandWing Succession.

Pantalian Tribes:


Color: Yellow, gold, sometimes orange or reddish. Always mixed with black, usually stripes. Wings are translucent. Usually wasp or bee colored.
Abilities: HiveWings have paralyzing stingers in wrists, a painful toxin in teeth, a paralyzing stinger in the tail, or a foul smell coming from the tail. The abilities vary from dragon to dragon.
Habitat: Open plains.
Info: HiveWings are a hybrid tribe of one of the native dragon tribes on Pantala, and Clearsight the NightWing. The HiveWing Tribe dominated the other two, and set up a system of hives all across the expansive plains. The late Queen Wasp used a plant called the Othermind, and ate it, also injecting it into HiveWing dragonet eggs so that upon hatching, Wasp would have full control of their actions at anytime she pleased with what was called the ‘Hive Mind’.
History: The HiveWings practically enslaved their SilkWing neighbors, offering ‘protection’ for loyalty. They didn’t have a queen, but instead worked at roles assigned to them upon hatchinng. Firesilk SilkWings we’re taken away to harvest firesilk, and the LeafWings were supposedly wiped out when they resisted HiveWing control.


Color: Any color, typically dominating in only two or three colors. Usually butterfly colored.
Abilities: SilkWings can spin a grey silk from their wrists that is strong and very flexible and can be used to build things. They also have two antenna on top of their head that they can use to detect vibrations. Firesilk dragons are rare, but the trait usually runs in blood. Firesilk can either be made to glow, burn, or light fires. Firesilk dragons are immune to their own fiery powers.
Habitat: Lightly wooded forests, plains, around the base of mountains.
Info: SilkWings are unable to spin silk, and have no wings until the age of six, when they go through a metamorphosis and spin a cocoon. They stay in the cocoon for around three days before breaking out with four large wings and silk-spinning abilities. They’re known for being almost stupidly peaceful, and almost never fight. They’re vegetarians, but also like honey.
History: SilkWings practically were enslaved by the HiveWings, and were used as servants, builders, cooks, workers, and many other roles. For years, they never had a queen, and the last one was Queen Monarch. They were never controlled with the Hive Mind by Queen Wasp.


Color: Any shade of green, sometimes with light or dark brown under shading, yellowish or gold. Usually tree or plant colors.
Abilities: LeafWings are excellent at camouflage, and some dragons possess a leafspeak which enables them to influence the growth of plants, or ‘talk’ to them.
Habitat: Dense forests or jungles. Typically in the trees.
Info: LeafWings usually keep all types of flora on them, and use plants and insects as weapons or means of evasion. They’re able to weave through dense jungles, and have a high sense of knowledge when it comes to plants.
History: Queen Sequoia lead the majority of the LeafWings (called SapWings) in hiding. The others were led by Belladonna (called PoisonWings) with a deep hatred for HiveWings as they were nearly successful in wiping out the whole LeafWing Tribe in what was called the ‘Tree Wars’. They were thought to be extinct by the Hive and SilkWings until their recent reappearance. The HiveWings despised them so much that they outlawed any sort of tree or plant art in the Hives.
Next page: SkyWings
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Blue Raptor
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