Winter warmth in Sun filled coop

This is a short but sweet article on simple and cheap ways to keep your flock warm in winter. Simply by orienting the coop to face south (assuming you are in the northern hemisphere; north if you're in the southern hemisphere) and having lots of glass, the coop will be warmed by the low winter sun streaming in. (And it won't overheat in summer because then the sun will be high in the sky and not shine so far into the coop.) The single photo illustrates the points made perfectly.
It would be improved by having the text in a bigger point size; this is too small for some to read without adjusting their settings.
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Cute coop, but more details would help greatly.
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Love your coop, especially the windows and the warm effect they have for the chickens. (especially me not having windows and yearning for them for my babies for so long; hubby resistant and me few carpentry skills); we do have a strong 12x12 bldg with a patio block floor so theyre safe and out of wind in winter; just no sunlight except in their colder run which has tarp against the wind.
Question: Do you have rats and how do you handle them? Also what state are you in?
Nice coop, but could use more details and photos.
This could be very useful if expanded with more photos and data such as measured temperatures inside and out. It would also be helpful to have information about how you change things summer and winter to prevent overheating in hot weather.

As is, it's more of a "quick tip" than an article.

I'll change the rating if changes are made to make the article "meatier". :)
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Thank you. I really meant to make it a post not an article..Im new to this site. I will try to update it.
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