Chicken Breed Info:
Breed Purpose:
Comb: Walnut
Broodiness: Average
Climate Tolerance: Heat

General Egg Info:
Egg Productivity:
Egg Size: Small
Egg Color: Light Brown

Breed Temperament:
Bears confinement well,Docile

Breed Colors / Varieties:
White and Red-Saddled or Red-Shouldered Pictures courtesy of Chickndaddy and chickencharmer.
Breed Details:
They are an ornamental bird that is a poor layer of small cream or tinted eggs. The Yokohama is reported to lay an average of 80 eggs per year. They are very slow to mature and require special roosting accomodations for the tail of the roosters. They are a beautiful bird with little use aside from their appearance and personality. They are not hardy in the winter, not great layers, not known for broodiness and require extra accomodating in order to protect their beautiful long tail. Roosters can be very aggressive with other males and the females can be very protective mothers. Some females seldom are broody while others are very broody. If you are looking for a beautiful bird that lays well and is hardy, the Yokohama is not for you but they have a special place among the ornamental breeds. **Pictures Pending**




