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  • hm, "toss em and run" YUP! Sometimes that's the safest option. We nearly get mugged by our chickens if there's treats involved!
    Thank you thank you thank you for the fun birthday posts! Love the tutu-wearing chick and the party balloons. And those balloon animals, well, they're always hard to beat. Thank you Eggsy!
    Wow, that's a nice mix of flowers! I bet it smells divine. You know, everytime I see a bee, I think of your bee dance and it makes me smile. Thanks for that, because bees are taken for granted.
    Oh, no! That's not good. Well I hope you catch the culprit. I sure hope it doesn't eat bees, either. Thank goodness your girls were safe. What kinds of flowers do you have planted for your bees? I've had lavender and clover honey, both were very yummy!
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