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  • Yeah, September is our HARDEST month because I'm doing school AND the lodge is still very busy. But, after that, business dies down and I can just focus on school.
    Awwwww.....thank you so much for being so caring! *HUGS* I'm doing great, just very busy these days. :) How are you? That's so ridiculously exciting that you've got some tiny, adorable, precious Rosecomb babies! Mine are almost 6 months old and haven't even started laying yet, ha ha. :D
    Yup, we are very busy this weekend. We have one more weekend coming up that usually brings lots of business but otherwise things are slowing down....finally!
    I know, I HATE losing things that are dear to you :( I don't really know what she died of. I think she had a mite/lice infestation. And by the time I knew about it she was too weak to do anything. I gave her a bath but she died the next morning. Have a great weekend Emma!
    Hi Emma, thanks. Lester (my silkie) died a few days ago :( I miss her more than words can say.
    Hi, Emma! :D I'm doing wonderfully, and so is the flock. Everybody is friendly and happy as usual! How about you and those lovely little Rosecombs? :)
    Hi Emma! Great to hear from you! :D
    I'm doing great; extremely busy. My hens are doing well. How about you? I like your avi btw! :)
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