Recent content by BodhiRoc

  1. BodhiRoc

    Frontline ???

    Hi Everyone - I'm determined to get to the bottom of this, and luckily I have a way. I am a professor and have access to the facilities to measure fipronil in eggs from hens on whom fipronil was administered topically. I'm hoping to recruit folks who have their chooks on a fipronil regimen...
  2. BodhiRoc

    Frontline ???

    Quote: I'd LOVE an answer to this, if anyone has one.
  3. BodhiRoc

    Frontline ???

    Quote: Hi Peigic - I'm not an expert on this chemical, but my understanding - which may be flawed, but is based on the information from the manufacturer (which is not available publicly as far as I know) as well as Fipronil fact sheet I linked to (I have requested the cited reference through...
  4. BodhiRoc

    Frontline ???

    Hi Pete - Thanks for checking the assumptions - my comments below. Note: This little exercise was only back-of-the-envelope calculation, so is definitely rough, but may provide some guidance. And because assumptions are explicit, feel free to re-do the calculations using your favored ones...
  5. BodhiRoc

    Frontline ???

    Hi All - I'm chiming in here because I have been wondering about using Frontline for my chix fleas (4 layers), that have spread throughout the garden and are now into the house. Its making the chix unhappy, and me as well, so in addition to treating the garden and house (we don't have other...
  6. BodhiRoc

    Smelly Chicken -- not poop, breath and feathers!

    Hi All -- Thanks for the advice. Somehow the stinky chicken is a lot less stinky. Perhaps it was just something she ate? Anyway, thanks for all the advice. If it happens again, I'll look into the sour crop remedy. Best, Greg
  7. BodhiRoc

    Smelly Chicken -- not poop, breath and feathers!

    Hi all -- We have 4 3-mo chicks. Everyone's doing fine, but our salmon faverolles is STINKY! The others (dominique, sussex, brahma) smell nice (chickeny but nice). We can barely stand to handle the faverolles, though. She smells like rotten fish... not her poop, necessarily, but her breath and...
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