Recent content by Chicks Galore3

  1. Chicks Galore3

    Choosing who to cull

    Out of my flock of 83 birds, I’m only getting about a dozen eggs. I know winter slows them down, but it wasn’t much better in the summer. I have various breeds ranging from 4 months - 6 years. What are your guys’ methods for choosing who to thin from the flock? I’m thinking of getting rid of any...
  2. Chicks Galore3

    Broody hen...

    I tried to move her into the barn, in a separate pen, and she absolutely would have none of it. It's been three hours and she won't stop pacing, and the eggs are now strewn all over the nest. How long can they survive without her sitting on them, or do you think they're already done for? I have...
  3. Chicks Galore3

    Broody hen...

    So I stumbled across a broody hen in the long grass this evening as I was putting away chickens. I have no idea how long she has been there. I am conflicted between letting her hatch or not. Is it too late in the season? If I decide to let her hatch, should I move her indoors? I had a hen hatch...
  4. Chicks Galore3

    Severe Bumblefoot

    Two days ago i saw that one of my gold stars was limping, and upon closer inspection, I found she had a really swollen foot, and narrowed it down to bumblefoot. One x-acto knife later, I cut out the plug and tried to drain it of as much pus as possible. The foot was still pretty swollen. I...
  5. Chicks Galore3


    Yes, that does seem like what it is. I've had bumblefoot happen before, but never like this. The black "plug" is not in the middle/padded part of the foot, and when pulled out does not seem to be in the foot, just against the skin. We will see how everyone heals. Here is a photo of one of the...
  6. Chicks Galore3


    I discovered the strangest things on my chickens feet tonight. I noticed that a couple of them had swollen feet, and upon further inspection I noticed something wedged in between the "webbing" of their feet. It looked like compacted dirt or poop. I had to peel it out, like removing a scab, and...
  7. Chicks Galore3

    Guinea with broken leg?

    One of my 5-week-old guineas seems to have have either broken or dislocated her leg. Her right hock joint is swollen, and she holds her leg at a slight angle. She seems to have a least some control of her leg, and still walks/runs/jumps. (But she is very skittish, so, I think she'd run away no...
  8. Chicks Galore3

    Chick with weird breathing

    Okay. Do you have any tips on how I can keep her alive until I can get her proper medication?
  9. Chicks Galore3

    Chick with weird breathing

    Long story short I got one new baby chick tonight. She is in with my week old bantams and getting along fine. I think she is a lavender Orpington, but she is VERY small. Bantam sized. When she chirps loudly, she has a squeaky/gurggly sound to her. When she breathes normally it sounds "sticky"...
  10. Chicks Galore3

    Chicken/Guinea compatibility

    Whew, thank you guys! I hadn't heard of guineas mistreating chickens to the point of severe injury before, so I just wanted to make sure!
  11. Chicks Galore3

    Chicken/Guinea compatibility

    I am getting 12 guinea fowl in 2 1/2 weeks. I was pretty excited for it, but I just saw a friend of mine who has guineas and chickens that said her guineas injured and even killed some of her chickens. I'm a little nervous now. They will be cooped separately, but free range together. Do any of...
  12. Chicks Galore3

    Energyless chick

    Never mind - she just passed.
  13. Chicks Galore3

    Energyless chick

    I checked on my new chicks this morning (3 day old lavender orpingtons and salmon favorelles.) and found one of the LO face down in the shavings unable to lift her head or move. I'm not sure what's wrong. Everyone else is doing fine. I was able to get the sick one to drink a little bit of water...
  14. Chicks Galore3

    New Chicks! BLRW

    Perks of working at a chick hatchery - free chicks!! Maybe it's a hazard? These guys are Blue Laced Red Wyandottes! They are straight run, so hoping for at least two hens. Anybody know if wyandottes are color sexable at all? Regardless, I am very excited to have these new additions to the...
  15. Chicks Galore3

    Any tips for getting rid of possums?

    Long story short, back in November I found a possum in the coop eating the eggs, and another in the duck run, both of which we shot. (And reinforced everything so (hopefully) nothing more can get in.) Since then, we've had at least four more around the chicken and duck coops. (All have been...
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