Recent content by chooketychook

  1. chooketychook

    To free or not to free…

    Thank you for your reply! Well whilst she was roaming around the house she ran out the back door and joined the flock 😅 I’ve just left her! She seems well and I’ve just gave the entire flock some “herbal medicine” and will see how they go.
  2. chooketychook

    To free or not to free…

    Hey crazy chicken people ❤️🐓 2 days ago I saw my olive egger chicken sky looking sad and sick she had abit of snuffles,was lethargic and not eating much and hasn’t layed an egg for 2 days. I bought her in and gave her some cocci medicine and a combination a holistic immune system support...
  3. chooketychook

    American Bresse?

    I have 3 La bresse hens and a rooster ❤️ I’m breeding them for chicks which will ultimately become our meat. I am also going to sell hatching eggs and chicks. As for taste I can’t vouch for that yet but I believe the it’s the special diet that gives the bresse that award winning flavour. My...
  4. chooketychook

    Picture Of The Week (POW) Information & Submissions

    Here’s my boy Bob 😆❤️
  5. chooketychook

    Ended 2023 BYC Calendar Photo Contest—We Need Your Pictures!

    I thought I’d enter my baby Big mama 🐓🥚❤️
  6. chooketychook

    Fugly Farm

    Aww they are so cute in a ugly way 😭❤️ I wish you luck with your new flock ❤️ It’s hard loosing chickens but it’s part of the parcel we have to deal with 😭❤️ I’ll be so happy the day I can say I have had the chickens for 8-10 years knowing they made it to a natural end ❤️
  7. chooketychook

    Picture Of The Week (POW) Information & Submissions

    Our one silkie to hatch from a batch of 6 eBay eggs 😅❤️😍
  8. chooketychook

    Does anyone know what she is?

    I’d say blue marans
  9. chooketychook

    BEST ROOSTER CONTEST! - ends September 8th 2022-

    Here’s my handsome boy Bob just before his lil wattles started to grow In ❤️
  10. chooketychook

    Relentless New Bully in Town

    It is really annoying when chickens bully the more docile birds! I have a gang of La bresse that dominate the whole flock but they particularly single out a sweet silkie hen who just minds her own business and will not let her eat. Now we’ve decided to seperate the bully gang in a enclosed area...
  11. chooketychook

    Indoor(ish) chicken

    Oh brilliant I had a read through! Thank you for high lighting this for me before I went over kill with the cleaning 😅 think I’ll leave her be (apart from the feet) from now on unless she is really dirty.
  12. chooketychook

    Indoor(ish) chicken

    Thank you for replying! The house would feel empty in the night without her now 😅 but every stomach twinge or sneeze I’m thinking have I got salmonella 👀 have I got whatever Illness that comes from feather dust 🤦🏾‍♀️ I bought a small air conditioner just incase. Sometimes I think having so much...
  13. chooketychook

    Indoor(ish) chicken

    Thank you for telling me that! Il slow down with the feather wiping and stick to cleaning her feet ❤️❤️
  14. chooketychook

    Two cockerels, zero pullets (about 9-12 weeks old)

    I agree with the above get yourself 2-3 bantam girls and let go of the roosters ❤️
  15. chooketychook

    Indoor(ish) chicken

    Thank you so much for responding! I do wipe her down or sometimes dry shampoo her with shampoo for small pets and wash my hands after ❤️ Infact she’s here snuggling with me right now.
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