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  • Hi, I just saw in a post of yours you have a hovabator 1602n?
    How did you like it? I'm going to get one I think. I need a decent incubator that holds more eggs than the NR 360.
    I'm just too maxed out, lol. Or do you have any suggestions for an incubator that holds at least 30 eggs? (Preferably more like 40-50+)
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    Reactions: BauerWFarm
    I don't have it anymore but Hovabator is a fairly reliable brand as far as styrofoam incubators go. My preference was to get multiple NR360s and an IncuView but I had considered getting a cabinet incubator, lol.
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    Hey, Andrea! How have you been? Busy planning for this year's garden??
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    Reactions: CluckNDoodle
    Hi there!! We've unfortunately been really sick (like for over a month. I've never been sick this long in my life!) so I got behind on everything in the garden BUT hopefully will get some things in the ground sooner than later! I hope you're doing fantastic!
    Dottie the Chicken
    Dottie the Chicken
    Aww man, that stinks! I hope you guys will be feeling better super soon!! Praying for you!

    I've already started a few slow maturing things, like onions and petunias, but have to wait to start much more... sigh. Lol. I did start some greens to grow indoors though. Also trying some dwarf tomatoes for the first time!
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