Recent content by cr@zy(hickenl@dy?

  1. cr@zy(hickenl@dy?

    Raven killing chickens

    Ya I had fort Knox for chickens. Even had the weight of a full grown bear on top of the hardwire cloth once. But yet the massive snow collapsed it overnight. It's hard to spend thousands of dollars on materials and days of time constructing something just to have it destroyed. I would blow it...
  2. cr@zy(hickenl@dy?

    Raven killing chickens

    Oh it did attack it. And kill it. My husbands friend who lives further south had to fully enclose his run and keep his chickens from ever free ranging as the ravens were whipping out his chickens. I've heard stories of ravens laying traps for chickens by putting berries just outside of their...
  3. cr@zy(hickenl@dy?

    Raven killing chickens

    I have a single raven that has been hanging around my back yard. It has been stealing eggs right out of my duck house and attempting to steal them from the turky coop (Thomas seems to be catching him in the act and I just get cracked eggs). probably stealing chicken eggs as well. This Raven has...
  4. cr@zy(hickenl@dy?

    really hot ducks not drinking or swimming

    Im having a situation here and im not sure if its the heat or the sudden changes to my duck enclosure or a mixture of both thats doing this. My ducks are around 3 months old all feathered and look full grown. They are in a pretty big enxlosure protected from predators with a house (that they...
  5. cr@zy(hickenl@dy?

    Topic of the Week - Feeding Ducks

    Do anyone sprout grains for ducks? i sprout barley for my chickens (and give a homemade dry grain/lentil etc mix). I am getting ducks this spring and I've been reading up on feed and the differences in duck needs. but it seems most people buy a comercial feed. Will ducks eat sprouted grains...
  6. cr@zy(hickenl@dy?

    Review by '' on item 'Old English Game Bantam'

    I've had hens that rule the roost literally bossing around the larger hens. I love how vocal they are I feel like I've had deep conversations with several. and who can resist the little fearless roos and the cock-a-doodle-do sounding as though they are on helium.
  7. cr@zy(hickenl@dy?

    Ended Official BYC Coop Article Contest - 2017 - Win a Auto Coop Door Kit!

    I hope the winners door opener works better than mine. I bout the heavy duty one to withstand the cold of Canadian winters like their website bosted. It was working ok other than having to recalibrate it every two weeks ish. I went on holiday for a week (I got the door so I didn't have to worry...
  8. cr@zy(hickenl@dy?

    fruit flys in sprouting grains

    No mold. I've checked and rechecked that. I was understanding that it's not the mold that attracts the fly s to the fruit. It's the fly s that cause/start the mold possess and speed it along. I'm sure I read that somewhere years ago. I believed it since I've seen them on green bananas and brand...
  9. cr@zy(hickenl@dy?

    fruit flys in sprouting grains

    I've tried the ACV thing years ago for a different fruit fly issue and I didn't find it that great. I didn't have sugar in it however maybe that's the trick. Maybe I'll try that along with the dish soap idea
  10. cr@zy(hickenl@dy?


    Hi. I'm new to here but not exactly new to chickens. I currently live in Ontario Canada an about a acre of property. My husband and I started raising chickens seasonally about 6 years ago and we started keeping them year round 2 years later. On our small little property we have also had the...
  11. cr@zy(hickenl@dy?

    fruit flys in sprouting grains

    I have been sprouting barley for a little over a month now. I do a 8 day cycle the first day it soaks and it sprouts the other 7 days. I've noticed that some fruit flus have taken up residence amongst my pans over the past week. At first it was one or two now there are a good 20. Has anyone...
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