Raven killing chickens

Oct 12, 2017
I have a single raven that has been hanging around my back yard. It has been stealing eggs right out of my duck house and attempting to steal them from the turky coop (Thomas seems to be catching him in the act and I just get cracked eggs). probably stealing chicken eggs as well. This Raven has been so brazen as to scoop down and snatch a stunned woodpecker with my husband 6 ft away and eat the poor bird alive and screaming.
We have been sending the dog out to chaise it off when we see it (they are smart birds only around in the morning as the fowl are laying). Yesterday I was in the yard heard my rooster and then a hen calling alarm. I turned to see the raven dive bomb a chicken as she was sunning herself. The alert got the hen moving and she only lost a few feathers. But this brazen bird sat on the coop picking through the feathers as I screamed and ran toward it throwing the nearest thing; a soccer ball.
This morning even though my dog has been out almost the entire morning the raven got an english game hen. I found only her wings inside the duck run of all places (raven probably brought her there to eat where the dog couldnt get it).

I live in a rural area but there is restrictions on discharging a fire arm. Mind you it flys off pretty quickly as we appear so not easy to shoot anyway. I tried a pellet gun but it just scares it off for an hour or so. We have tried preaditor decoys, it dont care. I can not cover the runs with hardwire cloth as I live in somewhat northern Canada. I have used it in the past only to have thousands of dollars spent collapse after a large snow fall overnight before I can get the snow off the hardwire cloth.
I'm at my witts end any solutions or suggestions from anyone?


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Oh it did attack it. And kill it.

My husbands friend who lives further south had to fully enclose his run and keep his chickens from ever free ranging as the ravens were whipping out his chickens. I've heard stories of ravens laying traps for chickens by putting berries just outside of their enclosure and when the chicken reaches its head through chicken wire to eat it the raven eats the chickens head off.
I have bantams as well as full size chickens ducks and turkeys. I am hesitant to hatch out chicks until it's gone.
I've had chickens here for over 10 years and this is the first raven Ive even seen around. It showed up late winter and only reciently got this bold.
Ya I had fort Knox for chickens. Even had the weight of a full grown bear on top of the hardwire cloth once. But yet the massive snow collapsed it overnight. It's hard to spend thousands of dollars on materials and days of time constructing something just to have it destroyed. I would blow it off with a leaf blower normally as it falls. But when you get three feet of snow followed by freezing rain overnight all your best laid plans go out the window.
Thinking of setting up inside a room in out house with a .22 it should be quiet enough from inside the house not to freak out neighbors and keep us hidden from the raven at the same time.
Ya I had fort Knox for chickens. Even had the weight of a full grown bear on top of the hardwire cloth once. But yet the massive snow collapsed it overnight. It's hard to spend thousands of dollars on materials and days of time constructing something just to have it destroyed. I would blow it off with a leaf blower normally as it falls. But when you get three feet of snow followed by freezing rain overnight all your best laid plans go out the window.
Thinking of setting up inside a room in out house with a .22 it should be quiet enough from inside the house not to freak out neighbors and keep us hidden from the raven at the same time.

Snow load is definitely a issue. It's one reason I went with a hoop style run. Less snow build up.

Get rid of this raven, and another will take it's place.
Ravens are ferocious. They make pellet guns that kill deer. Get an accurate and powerful one and be vigilant as killing it will only be a temporary solution until another moves in to take its place.

Be aware that killing ravens may be illegal. Check your local game laws before taking action.
Ravens are ferocious. They make pellet guns that kill deer. Get an accurate and powerful one and be vigilant as killing it will only be a temporary solution until another moves in to take its place.

Be aware that killing ravens may be illegal. Check your local game laws before taking action.

Ravens are protected. Check your state laws on taking protected critters. But in my opinion..... Raven = SSS....
Ravens are ferocious. They make pellet guns that kill deer. Get an accurate and powerful one and be vigilant as killing it will only be a temporary solution until another moves in to take its place.

Be aware that killing ravens may be illegal. Check your local game laws before taking action.
I'd like to see a video of these vicious attacks.

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