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  • How long can a little chix struggle to get out of her egg before she dies? I have one who made her pip about 10am this morning- now it is 8pm and she is still moving and peeping but the hole is not much bigger. everybody else started later and has hatched.
    “Our little eggs began to hatch in our incubator starting this morning! We have 5 of the 8. 2 of the last 3 have holes and we can see them moving, the last egg has a pip. The humidity had dropped since the others have hatched. Do I open the incubator to add more water and risk the 3 unhatched or do I just wait? Also, since it is a Brinsea Mini eco for 10 eggs and i have 8- should I move out the older chicks to make some room- or are they just happy all over each other? ”
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