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  • Hi! I hope you can help again with my chicken, the one that might have mareks. She no longer falls down! But stopped laying 5 wks ago after getting very sick for 3 days, going on antibiotics, & then being ok, but not laying- after trying 2-3 times each morning. She seems fine except her abdomen is growing. I'm taking her to a vet 45 min. away on Thurs, but could you give me an opinion please?
    Hi @Eggcessive, I hope all’s well! Sorry to bother you, but I was wondering if you could check out my thread https://www.backyard
    I need some advice for a broken wing.
    Thank you for helping me figure out what happened to my rooster. Like others have said, it is much appreciated.
    I have a chicken who is laying rotten eggs. Yesterday I found a fresh, very thin-shelled egg with a rotten spot in it. Out of desperation I started the one I assume is the culprit on .05mL bactracillin in the breast yesterday. I posted on the disease thread and someone replied with your tag. Could you possibly share some advice? Thank you for your time.
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