Recent content by Elem_HomeStead

  1. E

    Official BYC Poll: How Often Do You Clean Your Coop?

    I use the deep litter method. I have only cleaned my coop out once in almost 3 years because a chicken died in the bottom from unknown causes and bugs got in. I have cleaned the nesting boxes a couple more times than that when our buff goes broody on a mountain of eggs and cracks one, making a...
  2. E


    Thanks a lot! This helps me get my bearings in navigating this site.
  3. E


    I’m always working on more hands-off, self-sufficient, and/or multi-purpose systems for chicken keeping. I’m looking forward to scouring through your bright ideas and discussing!
  4. E

    Gravel to Protect Against Rats

    I switched to a pellet by Purina that has the grit mixed in. I haven’t had rats in my feeder since! I imagine it’s similar and worse than chewing foil. My hens do well on it.
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