Gravel to Protect Against Rats

I am absolutely at my wit's end in dealing with rats. The rats are winning and I'm losing in a big way.

I've put hardware cloth on the inside and outside. They found one hole to get in between that and made it home. I wasn't happy but at least they weren't in the coop. This morning I see a rat managed to break down my inside hardware cloth.

So, I'm back to the drawing board. Let me know what you think of this plan. The hardware cloth is 16 inches deep. So far none of them seems to gotten under it. How about it if dig along the hardware cloth and bury gravel next to it. I'll do it on both sides.

Do you think that will keep the pests out?
I switched to a pellet by Purina that has the grit mixed in. I haven’t had rats in my feeder since! I imagine it’s similar and worse than chewing foil. My hens do well on it.

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