Folly's place
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  • Hi there! I’ve seen some of your posts and was wondering if you would like to do an article for The Poultry Life. It is free-lance, and the only requirement is that you make it Poultry related, and keep within the theme (December, Holidays, etc). Please get back to me as soon as you can.

    Best regards, Shabby Chic-Hens
    Also, when you treated them, did you have to protect their heads (eyes, nose, mouth, etc.)? Do you know if it works on the mites that burrow down into the shaft base of their feathers?
    Hi @Folly's place,

    I was reading up on a post you made a few years back and I have a question. You went with using the diluted permethrin on your coop, run, and chickens and I was wondering how you applied it to the birds? Did you just mist them or did you move their feathers against the grain and spray onto exposed skin?
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    Reactions: Kiki
    Folly's place
    Folly's place
    We go out there at night, with a small flashlight or head lamp, and spray each bird on the roost, around the vent, under wings, and on the neck, trying to get to skin in each area. The less fussing the better!
    The coop is easier to do during the day, all surfaces and 'nooks and crannies' but we've done it at night too.
    We haven't had feather mites, so I haven't looked that up myself.
    Folly's place
    Folly's place
    I can't write more here, it has limits. More comments can happen in the actual threads.
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