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  • Good luck with the E word :p My new semester has just started so not too stressful yet (tho a bunch of admin issues which are always a PAIN)
    man, it's been such a long time. sorry i've been so caught up in stuff and neglected to pass by your wall now and then. How have you been?

    what, netflix doesn't have under the dome?!?! it's been so popular here that sounds really weird :p (I don't have netflix so I'm just going off what i've heard about its greatness) i've been watching it on my network's website so I don't know anywhere else, sorry ;.;

    have you been on your trip yet? done any skydiving :p
    Lake and beach sounds nice. Here everyone lives near the beach because the entire city is just a strip between the beach and some mountains parallel to the beach lol.
    Yeah, I'm not feeling the suspense as much as the wrath and blind confusion of having to wait a week for new episodes :p Although I watched the new Under the Dome season and I probably couldn't have handled more than one ep at a time lmao. a wild ride

    well I would be surprised at nothing now after this kayaking revelation ;P bungee jumping looks terrifying, they are always playing footage of people's cords snapping on the news... I would never be up for that particular leap of faith :p

    I have kayaked & canoed & done a bunch of other water sports for a total of about an hour each on year 9 camp :p I enjoyed sailing on the catamarans most, probably because I didn't actually have to do any work with my weak muscles lmao. I paired up with my friend for the day-long canoe trip which was a miSTAKE because she is a golfer and I just about passed out trying to keep up with her rowing pace.
    Beer tasting, I've been organising it the past few times since I started committee.

    lol everyone seems to love netflix, I seem to be the only person who doesn't have it. I know my time-wasting would spiral out of control with it though :p

    That sounds like fun, in my uni we have no events that involve more than a few tens or at most hundreds of students at once. I would love the writing and show competitions.
    I'm trying to see you as a kayaker now :p
    Well right now just trying (trying being the operative word) to organise my signature event which is already off to a bad start bc I left venue organisation to the holidays when everyone is away...

    the weather is getting warmer at least, it's been a harsh winter in more ways than the temperature. I'm glad to have air conditioning in the car though :p

    so what kind of clubs have you joined? I feel like branching out a bit and need inspiration :p
    Big whoop about the car, a functioning automobile is always a plus. I wouldn't be able to do my job without the car (and, thankfully now this year, my license :p)

    I have been easing myself back into the hard slog by tackling some assignments, even through a curious fog of exhaustion, which shouldn't be hanging around because I have done literally nothing the entire week :p Have fun with your extra classes... we had a lecturer who did that in first year because he couldn't get his videocasts out on time. Hopefully you'll have better luck next year :p

    *hangs medal on the neck of Ooj* The crowd cheers. Ooj takes a bow. Joo takes a bow too, but doesn't get up... fallen asleep on the way down :p I'm still with the German club so I've never been that shut in but I have been tempted to remove myself from the loop several times due to the energy requirement lol.
    lol I know what u mean. I did a double take looking at my messages today :p

    It's holidays over here but it was a rough term, so it's been a long time coming. Next term will be lax with only 3 weeks (I think) but exams are coming after that so fun times are in store. At least I seem to have finally made a friend in class, not just friends in the German club, so I have someone to wail over thermo and heat transfer with now :p

    And you, is college a little better for you now? The first couple of weeks are always quite jarring, after sem 1 I went into class feeling like I'd never even been to the university before, let alone just finished up a successful term two weeks ago...
    very exciting lol. I felt the same way about going to scotland or wales back when we lived in england :p even a trip to france was quite trivial (I miss the closeness of europe... there's nothing around here but water lmao)

    have you been yet, or is it a later date?
    I am guilty of exacting gross negligence on my German and as a result can barely speak it any more. But I do still recognise stuff whenever I hear it spoken in public or on tv or something.

    ooh, belize. how long would you be spending there?
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