Recent content by HoneysuckleHomestead

  1. HoneysuckleHomestead

    Ended 15th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-Along—Farthest Shipped Eggs!

    I haven't done much shipping so far this year, but last year I shipped out some orpington and barnevelder eggs to 97106 (Oregon)! I'm in 28115 (NC).
  2. HoneysuckleHomestead

    Ended 15th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-Along—Hatching Fowl Photo Contest

    This is a mosaic we hatched a few years ago, and have always loved this picture!
  3. HoneysuckleHomestead

    BCM difference??

    I have a question. So earlier this year, I bought some eggs from a breeder that seemed very reputable. Unfortunately, only a few developed and I ended up with 4 chicks... 2 cockerels and 2 pullets. The boys look good so far from what I can tell, but the girls look different. I put one of my...
  4. HoneysuckleHomestead

    Cashew nut in a chicken foot? *graphic images*

    I noticed one of my hens foot was swollen on the side, so I assumed bumblefoot. I did my research on how to treat bumblefoot and couldn't find any information on the side of the foot, but got my supplies ready and made sure I didn't eat right before. 🤣 I soaked her foot in warm Epsom salt water...
  5. HoneysuckleHomestead

    How to introduce other chicks to other hens

    I had a broody polish mama hatch out 4 babies. They're currently about 2 weeks old. Coop is an enclosed run with ladder up to coop box. When broody mama got to "lockdown", we blocked off the top of the ladder so she could have some privacy in the coop box, leaving 2 other polish hens exiled to...
  6. HoneysuckleHomestead


  7. HoneysuckleHomestead


  8. HoneysuckleHomestead


  9. HoneysuckleHomestead


  10. HoneysuckleHomestead

    Defective Hen??

    I have them in a breeding pen with some olive eggers. As far as I know, he got the hatching eggs directly from Blehm.
  11. HoneysuckleHomestead

    Defective Hen??

    I had a feeling you all would say that. :th Thank you though. I guess I'll just have to (im)patiently wait for my prized blue egg. :old
  12. HoneysuckleHomestead

    Defective Hen??

    Forewarning: This post lies somewhere between "Could there be something wrong?" and "I'm trying to be patient, but come on!". I've wanted blue eggs for so long and earlier this year, I happened to be at the right place at the right time and a local guy was selling a hatch of John Blehm's true...
  13. HoneysuckleHomestead

    Unusual Polish Rooster Comb???

    Now that you mention buttercup, I completely agree. It's a messy buttercup, but it has formed VERY similarly. I went back and looked at a few younger pictures of him and its wild what changes he's gone through, but that comb just continues to grow. Ike has always been Mr. Personality. hahaha!
  14. HoneysuckleHomestead

    Unusual Polish Rooster Comb???

    Oh, he most DEFINITELY has personality! Sometimes, he has too much. :he
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