Recent content by JaneandLizzy

  1. JaneandLizzy

    Seeking Info on new "Asia Black" Chicken "Breed"

    Our TS had a box of unlabled chicks, last week. I was hoping they'd be on sale, ha. I ended up not making the trip to find out.
  2. JaneandLizzy

    Avocado Oil , is a tiny amount okay?

    We made up a batch of goodies for hens, like a pancake. Then, realized that about 1, maybe two, tablespoons of avocado oil was used to grease the pan for about two cups of batter. Can I feed it to the "girls"--two bantams and two standards?
  3. JaneandLizzy

    Symptoms for many months, no other birds showing signs.

    Thanks for your reply, I'll have to get back to you. I believe he is around 7 years.
  4. JaneandLizzy

    Symptoms for many months, no other birds showing signs.

    Asking for another: "Pretty old BR Roo, once very heavy, recently light, had been resting-sitting back on his bottom off and on for maybe six months, maybe even longer. Otherwise, he continued to walk and act normally, except for not roosting at night, sitting like a broody on the bedding...
  5. JaneandLizzy

    I read there was a forum for Mareks flock owners...

    Thank you. Yes I read almost all of that. I believe that is where I read there was a forum for people dealing with the aftermath of exposure. :)
  6. JaneandLizzy

    I read there was a forum for Mareks flock owners...

    I read there was a forum for owners of flocks exposed to Mareks, but, I can't find it. Anyone know?
  7. JaneandLizzy

    Chickengaurd automatic door and raccoons

    I got the Chickengaurd door last May. I've been very happy with not having to open and close the door every day, --and so are my chickens-- but, I've been a bit uneasy ever since, because it does not appear to be raccoon proof. I have looked off and on for the past year to find something...
  8. JaneandLizzy

    Silkie Rooster may have been blinded the other day.

    Our beautiful Silkie roo that I have been hoping to breed, was badly pecked in the eye the other day, by a Jap roo that he has been living with for almost four years. When my daughter discovered them, he was just sitting there allowing the other to stand on him and continue to peck him. He...
  9. JaneandLizzy

    Little chick!

    Thanks for your input. They are all bantams, though. We bred them and they all have the same dad and one of two moms. All the others are similar in their size and feather developement.
  10. JaneandLizzy

    Little chick!

    Here are pictures of a little chick I have that isn't growing. She (he?) is about three weeks old as are the others in the hatch. As you can see the others are getting feathered out, but she has only wing feathers coming in. She is actually smaller than our 5 day old chicks! We tried putting...
  11. JaneandLizzy

    One chick isn't growing! Why does he close his eyes and rock?

    There are 13 chicks. The first 11 hatched within three days of one another. 12 and 13 hatched near the end of that week. He's a fraction of the weight of the other chicks he's with. # 13 is still so small that he is the same size as others we hatched just a few days ago, though he is two...
  12. JaneandLizzy

    letting them out...?

    Just want to add that they will go to roost somewhere when the evening approaches. They won't just stay out in the yard. Mine have even tried to get in the house at that time, before they were trained to the coop. If they can get out of the rain, they should be fine even if it's a little...
  13. JaneandLizzy

    Silkie's chicks?

    Is she a Silkie? They are made for this, used for hatching out eggs of even other species. We just did this, yesterday, with our Silkie who had never been a mom before. She was great. My dd found a hatching chick on Monday morning, a little before we expected, and so she pulled the Silkie out...
  14. JaneandLizzy

    letting them out...?

    If your chickens have places to hide from the hawks, and they can get into their coop or whatever as the evening approaches, you should have few problems with them outside on the acre. You'll have to block out other daytime predators from getting under the fence. I would suggest getting them...
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