Recent content by Kat2141

  1. Kat2141

    What's One Accessory That's Made Chicken Life Better?

    Same here... ours don't like coming into a dark bldg either. We have one on a timer that is fairly bright, dusk to dark. Just before that goes off, a strand of pretty dim LED lights come on for about an hour. The young ones tended to play around on the floor and when the lights went out, they...
  2. Kat2141

    What's One Accessory That's Made Chicken Life Better?

    And depending on your setup, a snow shovel makes quick work of cleaning it off, then just sprinkle shavings on it and done.
  3. Kat2141

    Fort Cluck - First Time Building Coop

    Take this as you would like... but from someone that has a barn made with barn boards, he was actually doing you a favor. I have my girls in an old horse stall. I put OSB on the inside of the walls because the wind and snow would just go thru between the boards. It is very hard to get barn...
  4. Kat2141

    Fort Cluck - First Time Building Coop

    Haha. I would highly suggest a ramp for the roosts. They are young and can fly now, but if they get hurt while landing, it will be an issue or as they get older, flying up/down is not as easy for them. Mine all use the ramp, some go clear to the floor, some jump off 2 or 3 feet up, but they have...
  5. Kat2141

    Sudden death in 2 year old hen

    One option is an old framework from a carport or a canopy, or build one. Get a shade cloth off Amazon or somewhere that has a high (at least 70% or more) degree of protection. I did that with an old carport frame that we set lower to the ground and was very surprised at how much cooler it was...
  6. Kat2141

    Newbie Designed Coop and Help Needed

    It's always fun trying to figure these girls out. I got 8 new girls 2 years ago that gave me issues at first. The original ones would go in but the new ones wouldn't. I finally put a nightlight on a timer in and they all went in with no problems. They did not like going from a "light" area...
  7. Kat2141

    Review by 'Kat2141' in article 'Heated nesting boxes help stop frozen eggs!'

    Great idea! I've had frozen eggs and it's a bummer. This could prevent that.
  8. Kat2141

    Question about Number of Chickens in Coop

    I have to say I'm a bit disappointed in Phil - he said early spring. :p But we all deal, right? We only got about an inch, so not too bad. The girls have a window to look out and this morning when I opened their little door to the run, they were like "nope, not interested". Didn't even go near...
  9. Kat2141

    Question about Number of Chickens in Coop

    hi there, this is a pretty old post so you may not get many replies. I'm not the original poster, but we are just a little south of you and my "coop" is a 10x10 corner horse stall with wire on top half of 2 walls. The barn is large, not insulated, nor is the stall. No horses in it to generate...
  10. Kat2141

    Coop gems -what is the one feature of your coop you couldnt live without?

    If you have a large coop and your girls are outdoors most of the time, they are a great help. They are boards that are 6 or more inches under the roost to catch all of the poop so it doesn't fall all of the way to the floor. I use a thin layer of shavings on mine and nothing sticks that way...
  11. Kat2141

    Coop gems -what is the one feature of your coop you couldnt live without?

    I was foggy on it too for a long time. Then I changed stuff up a bit and tried it. Will always have them now. (I use a snow shovel to clean them off and dump into wheelbarrow, works great.)
  12. Kat2141

    Nesting boxes....

    Just remember, no matter what YOU think, they will come up with a different idea. LOL
  13. Kat2141

    Nesting boxes too high?

    or stand there and tell the hen that is IN the nest to "c'mon, c'mon, hurry up, it's my turn!". ;)
  14. Kat2141

    Check out this "hoop" coop!

    pretty fancy, for sure. The first thing I saw that I would do different is put in ramps from the roost bars. Mine use the ramps constantly. They could jump down, but rarely do.
  15. Kat2141

    Most expensive, least attractive coop. It sure gets a lot done.

    That is so awesome!! your pool is almost exactly like mine was. This would have been a thought if I'd seen this before we filled ours in.
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