Recent content by lachie27

  1. lachie27

    Weather/waterproofing chicken run

    I used sand for a while but it got stinky when wet and didn't clean so changed to shavings. Also does pvc tarp fray when cut??
  2. lachie27

    Weather/waterproofing chicken run

    Hi, Just wondering if anyone has any ideas on any materials I can cut to size to use as a cover on the hardware cloth to stop rain getting in and wetting the wood shavings in my run. Was thinking of shade cloth but it needs to be sewed after cutting it to stop it fraying and needs eyelets to...
  3. lachie27

    How can I fit another chicken in my coop

    Hi, I have a pre fab coop very similar to the one below and i was just wondering if anyone who also has one similar to this could answer a few questions I have. Firstly, i only have 2 chickens and i want another one because i think they need another friend by what i have been reading. I can only...
  4. lachie27

    Does anyone else have a pre-fab coop, should I paint it, stain it???

    Hey I've got a prefab coop it was about $200 and I was just wondering if people could help me with these few problems I have. Wood is starting to fade and look grey and yuck? Should I paint it or stain it for maximum life? I'm currently using construction sand as run flooring and it is getting...
  5. lachie27

    Humanely dispatching a sick chicken

    I have been researching ways to dispatch my chicken if she gets sick and I think the carbon monoxide is the most humane and easiest way to euthanize my chicken. i was thinking of buying co2 tablets (the type they use for aquariums) and dissolve them in water, or use CO2 bike inflators and empty...
  6. lachie27

    I want to remove sand from my run. What do I do with the poopy sand

    The poop just gets mushed around into the sand and when the chickens dust bathe it sticks to them and it's not very nice.
  7. lachie27

    I want to remove sand from my run. What do I do with the poopy sand

    The poop just gets mushed around into the sand and when the chickens dust bathe it sticks to them and it's not very nice.
  8. lachie27

    I want to remove sand from my run. What do I do with the poopy sand

    I stupidly put sand in the run of my chicken coop thinking it would not smell and be the best choice. But after reading about sand in the run on websites I have wanted to change to the deep litter method. What do I do with the 3 cubic meters of sand in the run.
  9. lachie27

    How to survive Summer heat when on holidays

    I'm going on a holiday this week for 6 nights and the temperature is going to be 40 degrees c (104f) in Australia its summer now. I'm just wondering if anyone can give me tips on getting my chickens though hot weather which is going to range from 30-40celcius. There is sand in the run also. The...
  10. lachie27

    Can chickens feed be changed at any time or do I have to stick to one type or brand.

    I have bought a different type of feed than what I normally do, can I feed it straight up to the chickens or do I have to introduce it in increments? I know that with dogs you can't do this but what about chickens?
  11. lachie27

    How loud are baby chicks when in the brooder both day & night?

    I want to raise baby chicks and if I do they will be kept in a plastic box in the garage. How loud will they be during the day it at night because I don't want to disturb my neighbours. Thanks
  12. lachie27

    Intant turf chicken debarkle.

    I am getting an instant turf delivered for our backyard and I am wondering how long I have to keep the chickens from ripping it up.
  13. lachie27

    Chickens not perching and sleeping in their nesting boxes Open the link above to see a photo off the website I bought the coop from. But the roosts are the same height as the nesting boxes. I don't know why they aren't roosting there and I have noticed one has been hopping off the roosts...
  14. lachie27

    Chickens not perching and sleeping in their nesting boxes

    They are the same level as the nesting boxes. I bought the coop online so I thought chickens would roost there.
  15. lachie27

    Chickens not perching and sleeping in their nesting boxes

    Hi, I need someone's help, I have 2 pol chickens which I have bought 3 weeks ago and have recently started laying. I was surprised when I saw the first egg in the nesting box when I came home and thought that now they have associated the nesting box with egg laying not sleeping that they would...
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