Recent content by lobb40118

  1. lobb40118

    Lobb40118s Page

    My Coop and Chickens in the suburbs plus My suburban Peafowl I live in Indianapolis in the Southport area with a normal sized suburban yard. I just bought 3 pullets 2 RIR and a Plymoth barred rock. I converted a rabbit hutch into the coop. I have a large pen for 2 peafowl as well. Here are my 3...
  2. lobb40118

    Barred Rock Getting HUGE bald spots-Long Term Feather Loss

    I am having the exact same problem and my barred rock who is the same age roughly. I have 2 RIR and a barred rock. I put poultry dust on her a month or so ago and it just got worse. Nothing I can see causing it and the skin is just chapped looking no pecking problems. I sprayed that wound spray...
  3. lobb40118

    A high rise coop

    I have a two story coop. You can see it in my BYC page.
  4. lobb40118

    High Fructose Corn Syrup & Mercury

    Have you seen the new commercials supporting it? must be loosing some cash.
  5. lobb40118

    New pullet introduction to the flock, ending in my first culling.

    Thanks, the hardest part was making the cull decision, once the decision was made the act itself was not as bad as I thought. Plus I did not scald and pluck i skinned so there was not much of a smell.
  6. lobb40118

    New pullet introduction to the flock, ending in my first culling.

    Well I am new to chicken raising. I started with 3 Pullets and there was a small pecking order issue that ended rather quickly and they all hang out now and no issues. I have to keep the cooped up during the day but let them out when I get home from work and on weekends. I decided to get a new...
  7. lobb40118

    Who puts money into their savings (when we have jobs)

    I save a few thousand but should save more. It is roughly 1-2 months of bills and food and such. I am attempting to put away at least 6 months of savings so as to cover everything for 6 months.
  8. lobb40118

    Online Farmers Market

    lol...i do not know...It was just an attention
  9. lobb40118

    Online Farmers Market

    I do not have a clue but will do it. Sounds like a good skill for me to learn.
  10. lobb40118

    How do I protect my chickens from human predators?

    Better to be tried by 12 than carried by 6
  11. lobb40118

    I want to buy an Araucana or Ameraucana pullet in Indiana

    Well friday i got my forth. I bought from the same flock/person iI bought my three originals from. I did not keep segregated because it was from the same exact person that the other three came from. She is a bit younger than the three others and getting picked on a bit. She hides mostly and i...
  12. lobb40118

    That's it. I'm getting an RCom. UPDATE: i LOVE it!! they have them on sale for 332$ I am thinking about getting the 3 egg one. Would it be worth paying 52 more dollars and get the microscope attachment?
  13. lobb40118

    Roo stud service.........

    I stand corrected they serve many purposes it seems. I doubt I will have a permanent rooster for such a small flock.
  14. lobb40118

    Online Farmers Market

    LOL...just checking to see if you read the would probably taste like chicken
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