Recent content by Mickm72

  1. Mickm72

    chickens losing feathers

    yes i think they may just be molting i have now done some looking up on molting on the internet as these are my first chickens i was a bit worried i did not expect them to have big bare patches when molting i thought that they would just lose a few feathers here and there.
  2. Mickm72

    chickens losing feathers

    Hi Can anyone please advise me i have 10 chickens and i have just noticed today that 2 of them have lost a lot of feathers from their necks they have really quite large bald patches the chickens are not pecking at each other does any one know what the problem might be and what i can do about it...
  3. Mickm72

    Limping Chicken

    thank you all for your advice my chuck is still limping but is very well in everyother way i am keeping a close eye on her and with advice from the vet are letting her alone unless anything else happens:)
  4. Mickm72

    Limping Chicken

    Hi Can someone please help i have recently aquired 10 lovely hens and have no problems with them until today i noticed one of my girls is limping quite badly. I have checked her foot and leg and can find no reasonalble explanation should i take her to the vet or could it just be a simple...
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