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  • I have Nigerian Dwarf - little goat lesson insert xD - Goats can be divided into two basic categories - milk and meat. As far as Dwarves go there are Pygmies, and Nigerian Dwarves. Pygmy's lean towards meat production, Nigerian Dwarves to the dairy side. :D
    I have two rabbits. And I breed goats (if you ever have any questions, I'll be happy to help!). Nigerian Dwarves to be specific, if you want to look at my page you'll see them. And a wiener dog. And a betta fish. :p
    I just meant I like pretty things and indulge that side of me every once in awhile. I was kind of joking.

    So chores and church are good. :) Do you have just chickens, or any other animals?
    Eek..did my chores. Well I just got back from a dance where I met some new friends and pretended to be a city girl hehe. I think I pulled it off fairly well...
    How about you? What have you been doing?
    Naw, thanks but I got a diary. xD I've been trying to convince myself to go out and do my chores in the pitch black...not fun.

    Well its nice to be both tired and good sometimes isn't it? It gives me a sense of contentment...unless thats not the tired your talking about. hehe.
    Ok then Mitch, you can call me Liv. ;) I'm having a rough time, but am not physically damaged at least lol. How about you?
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