Recent content by MyCuteCoop

  1. MyCuteCoop

    Broody hen?

    Thank you so much. I will watch her!:)
  2. MyCuteCoop

    Broody hen?

    My hen is not leaving the box, even an hour after laying, and gets super aggressive when I get near her. She'll take any eggs I put in the box. Do you think she’s broody?
  3. MyCuteCoop

    My stories with chicks.

    Yep. Here I will post stories of my chicks on weekends.
  4. MyCuteCoop


    It died sadly... I am going to get some corid to treat the flock just in case. :hit
  5. MyCuteCoop


    He is in the brooder now. Breathing slow.
  6. MyCuteCoop


    I would keep the first and second
  7. MyCuteCoop


    Can someone help?????
  8. MyCuteCoop


    Its acting Unconscious for some reason. Breathing, but won’t do anything and eyes are closed. He cheeped loudly only once while I was holding him. He’s pooping blood as well
  9. MyCuteCoop

    Broody hen

    The ones in my profile pic are the same chicks, but the ones in the picture are younger
  10. MyCuteCoop

    Broody hen

    I do have a roo, and I am 100% sure I have fertile eggs in there. Sadly, she was just laying and then got off
  11. MyCuteCoop

    Broody hen

    Ok. I have serious news. She did lay an egg, an still sitting :jumpy:yesss::wee:th
  12. MyCuteCoop

    Broody hen

    This is what I have so far:
  13. MyCuteCoop

    Broody hen

    How do I set up the coop for a broody hen and her babies? I already put the chick feeder up there, an I can get the chick waterer. I don’t think any changes need to be made till day 19 of them I guess
  14. MyCuteCoop

    Broody hen

    I want there to be a cutie little day old chick in there,but more than six is enough
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