Recent content by Nbugaj

  1. N

    Lethargic Hen- Reoccurring Illness Monthly? What's Wrong?

    Any way to know if that’s what she has? I’ve also thought maybe IB? Thoughts on treatment?
  2. N

    Lethargic Hen- Reoccurring Illness Monthly? What's Wrong?

    I put out oyster shells every now and then, but not consistently. I have some now and could put some out.
  3. N

    Lethargic Hen- Reoccurring Illness Monthly? What's Wrong?

    I appreciate that. Yes I’ve lost a few hens relatively young over the years and I wonder if there is an underlying illness affecting them. It hasn’t been all of my flock, but some. I haven’t sent any of my birds in for necropsies before, but I have heard of it. Maybe I will do that next time and...
  4. N

    Lethargic Hen- Reoccurring Illness Monthly? What's Wrong?

    She is probably about 10+ months now. I got her as a pullet and they didn’t know her exact age. Started laying with the other around late august/early September. I’m not quite sure what she had before, but when she was introduced to my flock along with another pullet she got ill. It was...
  5. N

    Lethargic Hen- Reoccurring Illness Monthly? What's Wrong?

    We are in Austin TX. Nothing off about her droppings. Crop was normal this morning and empty. Have not seen any mites or lice. Egg laying has not been consistent for her I think because her illness prior to laying has affected her laying consistency, but nothing has changed there.
  6. N

    Lethargic Hen- Reoccurring Illness Monthly? What's Wrong?

    Hi All, I have a Giant Brahama pullet who is full grown and recently laying that has had repeated instances of intermittent lethargy the last few months. She gets lethargic, huddles in a corner and sleeps all day, slow to respond, isolates herself... I put her in a "hospital crate" separate...
  7. N

    HELP- found hen caught upside down, almost died. What now?

    Hi All, My dear Ellie girl has had a tough go at it the last 10 months. I just found her yesterday afternoon with her leg caught on some chicken wire near the coop and she was stuck hanging upside down. I don’t know how long she was hanging like that for, she was out of the coop in the morning...
  8. N

    HELP PLEASE: Lethargic, Sick Chicken Showing Several Symptoms

    Just to update anyone who may use this later as advice as well as get feedback on what I should do now. Ellie is still alive. It’s been about a week and a half since I brought her inside. I treated her with 1/4 tsp of cooper sulfate in the water for the last 5 days (Saturday- Wednesday). She...
  9. N

    HELP PLEASE: Lethargic, Sick Chicken Showing Several Symptoms

    Ok spent my morning running around collecting different supplies for process of elimation. Spoke with feedstore and they told me to try copper sulphate first. I read on another post you said 1/4 tsp per gallon? Is that the correct dosage. I don’t want to improperly dose and kill her. Let me...
  10. N

    One person tube feeding.

    If you can figure out tube feeding or get a friend to hold the chicken while you tube feed it is much safer not syringing properly right into the birds mouth means you could actually get it down their windpipe and aspirate the bird. They could die... so if doing this way only do very very small...
  11. N

    One person tube feeding.

    We do the best we can! I have a sick chicken right now I haven’t been able to diagnose yet and I’m hoping it doesn’t come to that. But when it does it’s never easy. Keep that in mind for future tube feeding! And also holding the chicken between your legs wrapped in a towel works too. The...
  12. N

    HELP PLEASE: Lethargic, Sick Chicken Showing Several Symptoms

    Good to know! She was gaping and head shaking more when I let her into the run briefly, but she’s actually in my house right now in climate control 73 AC because I knew she’d already be dehydrated from the diarrhea and I didn’t want the heat to get her. So I don’t think that’s it in this...
  13. N

    HELP PLEASE: Lethargic, Sick Chicken Showing Several Symptoms

    She seems to be able to eat and drink okay. Are there other instances in which a chicken would be gaping? In my research I’ve only heard of that happening with gape worms or in adjusting crop. I will get some of that today and treat in case that is it. I guess process of elimination? I’m located...
  14. N

    One person tube feeding.

    Wrapping a towel around her body and wings tightly enough so she can’t flap away. Depending on how much fight they have you can also hold her under one arm while wrapped. I usually hold the push end of the syringe in my mouth as I use both hands to raise her head up and elongate the neck. Use...
  15. N

    HELP PLEASE: Lethargic, Sick Chicken Showing Several Symptoms

    The head shaking has only happened periodically as well as the gaping. It could be in an effort to adjust her crop since she’s just been sitting/sleeping. She is still very much alive, comb is not pale. I am tube feeding so she stays hydrated and has nutrients, gave her a bit of hard boiled egg...
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