Recent content by Quail_

  1. Quail_

    How to help feathers regrow

    Dang, i wanted not naked hens. Do molts happen during the summer? Or can they since mine haven't melted yet.
  2. Quail_

    How to help feathers regrow

    Two of my buff orpingtons backs, sides, and head had been basically plucked clean almost and I'm trying to encourage new feather growth. I had gotten a mating saddle (idk if those are consaverial but they are the only way I've seen that protect birds backs) for them and I haven't seen any new...
  3. Quail_

    How to stop chicken diarrhea

    So if im understanding correctly, i can give her yogurt?
  4. Quail_

    How to stop chicken diarrhea

    Bit ashamed in asking this but yesterday i noticed tgat my chickens poo was really liquidity. It doesn't seem bloody or anything but i began to start the slow process of cleaning their run up. Im hoping this will help but I want to make sure she will be ok. (Unfortunately i do not have any...
  5. Quail_

    If I get a mate for my male White Chinese Goose, will he still guard the flock or abandon them?

    I know nothing about geese but i have heard that if they get a mate they will ingore the chickens. But again i know nothing about geese so take what i say with a big platter of salt
  6. Quail_

    Egg being kicked out of nest

    Im doing that. I need to get her put in a dog kennel and put it inside the coop so i wont need to reintegrate her.
  7. Quail_

    Egg being kicked out of nest

    Honestly that makes enough sense to me. Thank you 🤣
  8. Quail_

    When will they start laying regularly again?

    Could be a few different things. Have they molted? Sometimes they could just be on break. A way i tell they are on break, or just freeloading is their comb. Bright red they are laying, pale comb means shes being a freeloader for now.
  9. Quail_

    Egg being kicked out of nest

    Currently my golden laced Wyandotte is broody, and for the past two or three days she has been keeping a lot of eggs under her and none of them escaped. I had taken them all away and left her with a ceramic egg so she wouldn't be over flowing with eggs. But today we had an after shock from a...
  10. Quail_

    Opinion on this coop design

    I thought i needed 7 boxes for 6 hens. But im ok with that many nest boxes since i plan for more chickens in the future
  11. Quail_

    Molt Questions

    I think this question is in the right place but if it isnt ill just delete it and try again . I have a few questions regarding molting for chickens, mostly about early signs, care tips, and why it wouldn't be happening. My chickens are almost a year old and quite honestly i though i would see...
  12. Quail_

    Brown/gold leakage silkie chicks question

    It looks like the middle could be a boy. I wish i could help more. But when you hear a crow id sit outside and watch them closely, eventually someone cracks
  13. Quail_

    Opinion on this coop design

    Thank you! I dont understand how to use esty so i just used google!
  14. Quail_

    How can I get more eggs

    How many birds, breeds and age? If you dont know the breeds i would try to find out. Ages is hard but i just go off of when you first bought them and add a week or two depending on how big they are. Egg production when you first get chickens is slow and a bit frustrating. But it could also be...
  15. Quail_

    Opinion on this coop design

    Thank you! If i get the plans and its a bit confined i can always extend it and make it work for me.
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