Recent content by RobinClary

  1. R

    If feed stores closed and you can’t free range...

    I like all these ideas! Thanks for starting this thread. @AltonaAcres, the feedstores might be closed for mandatory govt imposed reasons, or trucking companies might not be able to run, or it's the apocalypse and there's no more gas in your truck, etc. We went through a lot of feed this...
  2. R

    Mixed flock ages; no eggs

    I think the bag says 16% protein. I'm working on a plan to confine them to the coop area.
  3. R

    Mixed flock ages; no eggs

    I inherited a flock 2 years ago. There are 5 hens 3-4 years old, and we've supplemented another seven over the last few months (Sept-December). I have a rooster. At first the hens laid lots of eggs; then we went into our first winter (they were 2 years old) and they slowed down. The...
  4. R

    LGD and Chickens

    I have a 10 month old Great Pyr that has been with us since he was about 10 weeks old. He has been kept in a pen adjacent to the barn and paddock unless I'm at the barn for chores and training. We have sheep, chickens, guineas, a donkey (and now foal!) and a couple barn cats. Chief has been...
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