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  • Hello @Sueby , I was wondering how long it took for your potted trees to produce food. I am greatly interested in container food producing trees since I saw some at a TSC yesterday and was wondering how your potted food producing trees fair. I live in Zone 6 and if I bring them in the winter do you think they would produce/survive here? Thank you.
    Just checking in... did your chicks ever recover from the cocci problems? I hope they are doing well.
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    Reactions: The-White-Elephant
    I was thinking about you just yesterday! Mine are doing well, I really think they just had a hard time healing their guts so even though they were clear of the cocci they had done damage. I haven't seen any blood in a couple weeks.

    How are yours doing?
    I think mine are all better too. I saw little bits of blood a few times after the last post, but it got rarer and rarer and hopefully it is now gone for good.
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